Specialization, the Last Frontier
March 20, 2014 -
Cost Cutting Alone
Manufacturing has come on hard times in the U.S. and especially here in New Jersey where the cost of living remains at some of the highest levels in the country. In order to compete most companies here in the U.S. have taken a hard look at the entire value chain. Oscillate coils and Lean systems are necessary to keep pace with the new global market, but ultimately reducing costs and increasing efficiency rates are not typically the sole purpose of innovation anymore. More often these are by-products of specialization that can bring "par" for the company to a whole new level.
Specializing a Commodity
Blue Blade Steel owner and President, Jerry Shaw Sr. recognized early on that specialization was paramount to the success of any manufacturing company. Hence, by vertically integrating systems and challenging industry norms like acid-based technologies and lead processing mediums, Blue Blade continues to push the technological frontier for the entire strip quench and temper industry.
"Our latest technologies, including the new furnace and our new bluing technology are among the greenest to replace existing technology that we have developed yet" explains Jerry Shaw Sr, "but the results are what drive these new technologies. Our Blue and gold strip is setting the bar high for our competition, our hardness variation is often half that of the industry standard, and we have new product improvement ideas flooding the funnel."
Blue Blade Steel strives to offer a cleaner, product that is safer employees and customers alike. Compliant with ROHS standards, Blue Blade Steel is ISO certified and in the process of obtaining TS certification. The strength of the continuous improvement culture at Blue Blade Steel drives these accomplishments and solidifies Blue Blade's niche in the industry as the premier supplier of scaleless blue, bright, and gold tempered strip steel.

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